Hello, good friends and strangers.
Firstly, it is my birthday, so I would like to wish a very happy birthday to myself and thank Caribou Coffee for their most brilliant idea of giving away free coffee drinks to people on their birthday. Hello free large white mocha with a shot of almond deliciousness.
Secondly I'll update those of you who care on my life a bit. I am still at a flipping community college, and I have a love/hate relationship with that reality. I'm making some good friends, many of whom are international students, which is a lot of fun, but I am not impressed with at least half of my classes, which sucks because I'm paying for this lack of education, and although it's not as expensive as, say, a four year school would be, it is still pretty pricey. I'm more broke than I've been since high school and I don't even have a job to replenish my money stash. Sucks to be me. But I'm also in the school play, the Twelfth Night, (I'm Viola, the lead, although I don't think that being the lead necessarily means that I have the most lines...the plot just happens to revolve around me.)
Anywho. I came here to rant for a reason, so now I'm going to do that.
I am sick of scientifically minded people who bash religious people for not checking their facts before recklessly believing in something, but put science on a ridiculous holier-than-thou pedestal that, quite frankly, it doesn't deserve. I don't currently consider myself a religious person and I see the value in science, but I'm not not doing to laud science as the end all and be all of the modern world and I'm not going to say that religious people are backwards. The reality is that truly religious people find meaning in their religious texts and spiritual practices and just because I don't, it doesn't give me any right to tell them that they are wrong because they experience something that I don't.
This frustration is coming as a result of my Environmental Ethics class. There is one student in particular who likes to quantify everything scientifically (ie love does not exist because emotions are a result of chemical reactions in the brain therefore it is an illusion) and discredits anything that cannot be explained with science purely because it cannot be explained with science. (Hello circular reasoning that seems legitimate because a generalized term of "science" is used to back up whatever it is that I'm not actually proving.) I do not understand how this can possibly be considered any more acceptable than a religious person who refuses to look at the world through any lens other than the one they've learned from their religions. Both are equally prejudiced, it's just that one can say that they have "logic" behind their opinions whereas the other says it's God.
Jerk of the day: I got to school and found a parking spot that was half taken up by someone who double parked. I could still fit my car in the spot, however, so I pulled in (not easily, but without hitting anyone) leaving the car on my right enough space to squeeze in if they weren't morbidly obese. (Which I think was actually really nice of me, considering that they were FREAKING DOUBLE PARKED). I go back out to my car to get a piece of gum later and find them gone and a receipt stuck to by back window (sticky paper) with the words "Stupid Ass" written on it. Freaking a, jerk. I am not the one who double parked. I am just the one who took the only spot left in the parking lot, without hitting or insulting you even though you, if anyone, deserved it. Also "stupid ass" is a terrible insult. I would have taken jackass or dumbass simply because they're used, but stupid ass? Who says that?
Learn how to park.
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honestly - no one says stupid ass... except "that guy"