Saturday, June 27, 2009

Camping with the sister.

My sister, Evie, is taking a roadtrip in a nifty little circle around the States and I am joining her for the beginning of the trip. We're doing a lot of camping (Glacier National Park is FABULOUS, Lewis and Clark State Park has too many mosquitos and Theodore Roosevelt National Park is nice, but bland) and I think we're learning a lot about one another as well. The interesting thing, for me, though, is that the more I learn about my sister the less she makes sense to me. This, unfortunately, seems to be the case with everything. The more one knows, the less one knows. For some reason I thought people would be different, that eventually their behaviors would make sense, but this does not seem to be the case. Unless you consider yourself a very simple person, if someone tells you that they "get you" I would suggest not trusting that person because that person is either lying to themselves or to you. Neither of those things is acceptable (and this is coming from a person who does both.)

Well...I'm trying to decide what to do with my immediate future now. My sister is going to Bellingham in the next couple days and since I was just there I want to find something else to do. If only there was more work around. Evie and I actually got into a bit of an argument today because she says I am being too open minded when it comes to finding something to do next and that open mindedness is barring me from finding something. I think that if people are too set on exactly what they want to do and when they will be so stuck in what should be that they won't be able to realize what could be. Plus whenever I make plans they fall through, so the open mindedness definitely helps to assuage the disappointment.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'm wide open. I'm thinking it's probably too late to go to Alaska for cannery work. Hmm. Not knowing = excitement. I could live my life in limbo.



  1. sounds to me like you could just be a wandering soul for the rest of your life. have you thought about taking some time in hawaii? i know someone who picked up and moved there with two suitcases of stuff... and just snagged a small job and enjoyed the beach, etc. it might suit you well for a season or two.

  2. it was me capitalizing something i shouldnt have and omitting the word authors after it. it should have read niche authors. i was being lazy for some reason.
